Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reflection 5#

What specific technologies did you learn about this semester that you think would be valuable to teach in your future classroom? why will this technology be valuable?

I learned how to a smartboard more efficently. It caused me to think different on how to use a smartboard for better lesson plans if I work in a school system. I also finally know how to use excel, I never knew how to use it before, and now that I know how. I'm sure I will use it in the later future. Also a new thing coming into ETPT was learning how to use a blog, before this class I never knew how to use one, let alone, I didnt even know what a blog is. And know that I what one is, I hope to keep using it in the near future. Also with powerpoint, I always knew how to use it, however, after this class, I am more efficent with the program and have a better use of it, in a more timely fashion. I hope to relay this information to other people soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yes I am from Medina. I didn't know you were either! I'm guessing you graduated in 2007 because I graduated last year and don't remember you. But anyways...I agree with you about Powerpoint. I have always known how to use it but only with basic knowledge, now I can use more features.
